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August 17, 2008

Baltimore Stardust


Okay, okay, you know how it is:  we all like to lay claim to a little bit of glory now and then, and to bask in the glow -- well, in this case, blinding light -- generated by a hometown hunk hero.  I'm no different.  Michael Phelps grew up four miles from where I live, near where we take our kitties to the vet; he used to eat breakfast at this little place on 32nd & Greenmount, two blocks from our house; and no, we've never run into him:


And I just found out he bought a house in a beloved neighborhood called Fells Point.  So after Beijing it's Baltimore-bound the boy will be!

We're all bursting with pride here in Charm City.  And yes, I'll probably go to the celebratory parade to see him, along with thousands of other starstruck fans, camera in tow, cheering and screaming and tearing up with the rest of them.  In a world of misery and cynicism, it's wonderful to be able to watch hard work and sheer talent in action.  Congratulations, Michael Phelps.  And thank you.


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Phelps must be super-human because he managed to do the impossible: Interest me in swimming.

Lisa: I will go to the parade with you! Just back from the beach, Dawna

Sweet. Thou gush. Lisa Simeone has a soft spot in her heart but don't tell anyone...it's a MAN!!! Heavens to Betsy. Wave a hankie for me.

I'm in total agreement. Michael Phelps is the greatest.

No stalking now.

Are you referring to my fruitless Larry David quest?

Well I figured you might be moving on to something younger and fitter and more local -- with size 14 feet.

Surely you've noticed the size of Mr. Phelps' hands and feet.

Oh, Sir C, you are a naughty, naughty boy. And yes, though I knew his foot size, I didn't make the -- um -- connection you are trying to make!

Just speaking the truth.

Of course, Phelps is petite in comparison to Australian great Ian Thorpe who sported a size 17 flipper. Yikes.

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